Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This has been a truly wonderful last few days. We celebrated Floyd's 1st birthday with a huge party this past Sunday up at my Uncle and Aunts. They were gracious to offer their home/yard for the party. It was a beautiful day and I was truly blessed to have had so many wonderful people come. Old friends, new friends and many family members. We were also able to have Rod's Mom, step Father Walter and step sister Kelly in town. Rod's Mom is the type of woman who does not rest ; ) She was busy helping out from the moment their plane landed until they flew home yesterday. They were gracious with gifts for Floyd and a huge help with the party!

Floyd's two Grandmoms!

My sisters and I, with Floyd and Lulu!

I was surprised at myself during this one year old bash, normally I am the type of person that gets awfully anxious for parties, particularly if I am hosting. Maybe it was all the help I had, but I am pleased to say I enjoyed every minute of the party and did not feel an ounce of anxiety. I was able to talk, meaningfully, with many of my friends. I didn't feel rushed to get the party going or to get it over with,  I just enjoyed the day and watched my little Floyd take it all in.


I think this may be due to the fact that this past year any type of "stress" I used to experience got pushed  aside to let in the real and new "stress" that comes with being a Mother. Motherhood, is a gift from God. I think being faced with situations that at one point challenged me I am now more easily relaxed and content. 

(Unless it has to do with me going to the theatre, in which case I don't think I will ever not be nervous entering this building! Ha!) 
Joking joking joking! 
(sort of)

What really causes me anxiety now... is far greater and more important than the silly stuff of the past. I am anxious with a Mother's heart for the children that lay in wait across the sea, the orphans with special needs who are never celebrated at the turning of a new age, who never experience presents or their first taste of sugar and for some, never even know the concept of aging. These children are malnourished, unloved and are desperately seeking families. This is a BLOG from a woman who advocates for these kids like crazy, she has a huge heart. These are only a few of the faces laying waiting for their families. Reeces Rainbow (which I have talked about before) works very hard at getting these children SEEN so they don't become forgotten and shipped to adult mental institutions. Reeces Rainbow has been able to unite many Mothers and Fathers with their children who live far away, and its been my pleasure to watch (through blogs) some of these journeys... then and now.

I am "to be anxious for nothing" for I know my heavenly Father has a plan, that is good. And I know His heart breaks for these children. And I know it's when we do for "the least of these" that heaven rejoices. So, please... pray, give, adopt. Remember these children. 

And please look again, or for the first time, to the one that causes me restless nights, Heath. Give to his adoption fund, if you can.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 
Matthew 19:14

Friday, May 18, 2012

Little Heath, little Heath, how your numbers grow!!! I have been watching closely to his adoption fund and its growing, praise God. Here are the stats:

4.6-    $6,165.94
5.8-    $6,755.94
5.15-  $8,755.94
5.18-  $8,980.94

This is AWESOME. And can you believe only back in December it was at a measly $240. There are many Mamas out there in the blog world who rally for Heath (and TONS of other special kids who need families). I don't know where the money is coming from but I am so thankful to see it being given. If any of you reading this blog or my facebook page and have given money, I thank you!!! 

God is answering my prayers.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I love this story

I love this little boy.
I would LOVE to see his adoption fund grow.
Please give. Pray. Tell others.

Happy Mother's day.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My husband, the Gardner... 

Rod has been studying and learning quite a bit about gardening these past few months. He regularly volunteers at a farm to gain first hand experience and tends to his very own beautiful little garden that is thriving (except the carrots, but seems like many people are having a hard time with them this season)! Last night we had a salad made of spinach and other tender greens from our very own garden. 

I do not believe if Rod were told a year ago he would be pursuing market gardening he would have believed you. He's following God's leading and its been my pleasure to watch as he grows.

Our pea trellis....

 Do you see the hoops? 


Little bugs took a bite of our spinach,
Rod's figuring out what to do about them, 
without using chemicals, of course. : )

Cant not WAIT for the quinoa!

So cool

Using this black plastic to 
heat up the soil to plant watermelon!

A Gardner and his boy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I am thankful for the 93 years of life God has given to my Mom-mom, 31 of which I have had the pleasure of knowing. Though I will say, these last few months, spending a little time here and there with her have been the most powerful and precious yet.

When I talk to her, it's like talking to my son... slow and soft and with humor. When I whispered to her the other day, "it's me, Saige, Mom-mom" she said "I know, I can tell from your touch". When I gave her bites of coffee ice cream, I could tell she thoroughly enjoyed the sugar. And when Rod talks about his garden, she always asks lots of questions.

The other night I touched her soft hair and came close to her forehead, I whispered that she smelled good, she asked "like what?" I said "like Mom-mom". She smiled.

Truly precious.

Some times she can be a pill & it makes us laugh... like when Claire was talking to her at the same time as her brother Harry was and she barked at Claire to "get outta my ear!" She hangs on Harry's every word. Her baby brother, they share memories from long ago and its always fun to hear them talk.

The other night a few of us were able to read the Bible with she and Harry, pray with them and sing.
It was very special. Mom-mom's prayer was sweet and Harry sang for us the song Mom-mom has asked him to sing at her funeral... Thee old Rugged Cross.

"To the old rugged cross I will ever be true;
                                                     Its shame and reproach gladly bear....

...then He’ll call me some day to my home far away,
Where His glory forever I’ll share."

I am also thankful to learn sweet Heath's adoption fund has gone up by $360!
Praise the Lord!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ok, a lot of information to get across...

There is an orphanage in Bulgaria called Pleven. Its horrible. And has been for years.

But there is hope.

If you are moved to give, do so here:

Or here:

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I have never been a fan of blogs. They annoyed me. Why can't you just get on facebook like everyone else.? Who needs to read long paragraphs about you and your life? It all seemed a bit self indulgent to me.
But then, early fall (2011) while in California with my husband and baby, a dear friend showed me a blog she had been following, which changed my life. I am now following a handful of blogs, some of people I do not know, some of a few friends and even a few family members. I am touched and humbled by some of the things I have read and even use a few of my favorite blogs as a way to guide me back to what I know is important in my life. Rod (husband), Floyd (1st born son) and the Lord (creator of all things). I love reading blogs now and am blessed by so many of you out there on the interweb.

So now, here we come to my blog. I am not a writer. So forgive me. I'm not trying to be one either. I just want you to know about some of the things... on my heart.

Number 1:
"Children around the world who were born with Down syndrome and other special needs are languishing in orphanages, given away and left to die out of shame and ignorance. They have no life and no hope. Considering the nearly 90% prenatal termination rate of babies with Down syndrome here in our own country, we are honored and OBLIGATED to serve those who were blessed enough to be born elsewhere." -Reeces Rainbow (adoption ministry) 

Number 2:

Pray for him. Donate to his adoption fund. Tell people about him and about the wonderful work Reeces Rainbow is doing.

Number 3:

Number 4:
15 families

This blog will be a place to share the things on my heart and guide you to other people's blogs that explain whatever situation that's on my heart more clearly. I hope learning about these children and these families will move you to action. Be it donations, prayer or adoption yourself.

Much love,