Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I have never been a fan of blogs. They annoyed me. Why can't you just get on facebook like everyone else.? Who needs to read long paragraphs about you and your life? It all seemed a bit self indulgent to me.
But then, early fall (2011) while in California with my husband and baby, a dear friend showed me a blog she had been following, which changed my life. I am now following a handful of blogs, some of people I do not know, some of a few friends and even a few family members. I am touched and humbled by some of the things I have read and even use a few of my favorite blogs as a way to guide me back to what I know is important in my life. Rod (husband), Floyd (1st born son) and the Lord (creator of all things). I love reading blogs now and am blessed by so many of you out there on the interweb.

So now, here we come to my blog. I am not a writer. So forgive me. I'm not trying to be one either. I just want you to know about some of the things... on my heart.

Number 1:
"Children around the world who were born with Down syndrome and other special needs are languishing in orphanages, given away and left to die out of shame and ignorance. They have no life and no hope. Considering the nearly 90% prenatal termination rate of babies with Down syndrome here in our own country, we are honored and OBLIGATED to serve those who were blessed enough to be born elsewhere." -Reeces Rainbow (adoption ministry) 

Number 2:

Pray for him. Donate to his adoption fund. Tell people about him and about the wonderful work Reeces Rainbow is doing.

Number 3:

Number 4:
15 families

This blog will be a place to share the things on my heart and guide you to other people's blogs that explain whatever situation that's on my heart more clearly. I hope learning about these children and these families will move you to action. Be it donations, prayer or adoption yourself.

Much love,


  1. I love this, Saige! You're just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.

  2. Thank you for sharing! Your an amazing child if God.

  3. thanks for sharing saige... you're a beautiful soul. i have grown very much through reading blogs. even if it's just a way for you to record your thoughts and life for your own personal use to look back on (for myself, the 1st journal i ever kept up with!)... but you never who may be blessed by yours. i'm sure you'll touch many!

  4. Oh Saigie!
    I am so thrilled for you and all of us who get to know the things on your heart. I have a complicated relationship with blogging, too, but as I was posting onto FB my lastest post (http://stitchywitchysisters.blogspot.com/)
    I saw you had started your own, and I immediately went to it, read it, and bookmarked it.
    Blogging can be a great way to work it all out. Out, being the operative word.
    Congrats on your lovely musings, present, and future.
    I wuv you, you know. xo
