Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I am thankful for the 93 years of life God has given to my Mom-mom, 31 of which I have had the pleasure of knowing. Though I will say, these last few months, spending a little time here and there with her have been the most powerful and precious yet.

When I talk to her, it's like talking to my son... slow and soft and with humor. When I whispered to her the other day, "it's me, Saige, Mom-mom" she said "I know, I can tell from your touch". When I gave her bites of coffee ice cream, I could tell she thoroughly enjoyed the sugar. And when Rod talks about his garden, she always asks lots of questions.

The other night I touched her soft hair and came close to her forehead, I whispered that she smelled good, she asked "like what?" I said "like Mom-mom". She smiled.

Truly precious.

Some times she can be a pill & it makes us laugh... like when Claire was talking to her at the same time as her brother Harry was and she barked at Claire to "get outta my ear!" She hangs on Harry's every word. Her baby brother, they share memories from long ago and its always fun to hear them talk.

The other night a few of us were able to read the Bible with she and Harry, pray with them and sing.
It was very special. Mom-mom's prayer was sweet and Harry sang for us the song Mom-mom has asked him to sing at her funeral... Thee old Rugged Cross.

"To the old rugged cross I will ever be true;
                                                     Its shame and reproach gladly bear....

...then He’ll call me some day to my home far away,
Where His glory forever I’ll share."

I am also thankful to learn sweet Heath's adoption fund has gone up by $360!
Praise the Lord!